style guide | The Art of Getting Ready
I sit down to blog in my sweatpants, hair sloppily pinned to the tip top of my head. I wonder why this doesn't feel right. Why is there no inspiration in what I should be writing? I shut my laptop, and think "Okay, well let's start somewhere else." What is the missing element? It clicks. That frumpiness doesn't inspire at all. It's when I get up and decide to paint my nails a new color first that I punch the keys with that much more tenacity. It's not until the 'Teal the Cows Come Home' hue is poppin' out at me saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. There ya go!" I feel my very best. Putting on a fresh coat of nail paint sets the stage for that sense of accomplishment that was missing before.
Perhaps it's a bake day and you're in the comfort of your own home. Why not just stay in those workout pants with no makeup? Because. Because those workout pants are precisely for simply that, working out. And a little mascara goes a long way. A simple face wash and swipe of mascara can do wonders. It makes you feel up to par, professional and ready to tackle the feat of the day. No... when you bake play the part. Challenge yourself. Go get yourself a white (inexpensive) vintage apron and throw it on over a pretty print. Sure, the hair is goin' up and that's perfectly appropriate. Baking flour flies, and when you go with flour filled hands to swipe those flyaway hairs away it's easier to have a top bun holding the majority of the masses back. But flour streaked faces are much more delightful when you look in the mirror and there's a crimson stained smile laughing back. Your lipstick painted lips match the red berry streaked white apron you didn't want to put on in the first place (berry streaks from a previous berry mishap, naturally). Those streaks that jump out against the stark white apron are evidence that you're doing something, whether that something is wrong or right does not matter. You're trying. The streaks remind you are achieving something in your day. Why not add to that something by feeling polished? It's when you set out to do something with intention (like getting ready) that you feel the most rewarded once it is finished.
"Be that woman who gets ready for each role of her life"... do not just meander through life's roles in sweatpants and running shoes. It is because I am a sweatpants and running shoes kinda gal I can write this. I am actually quite the expert in this area. I've been stuck in that rut far too many times. It's easy to fall into those habits and want to stay in them (especially when they are that comfortable). I'm writing this to encourage those who are stuck in the sweatpants and running shoes phase. We are not here to ride the comfort wave of life all day, every day. We are here to do our best with the gifts we are given, and how do we go about doing those things well if we don't feel well doing it? "In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well...if your gift is serving others, serve them well...If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If God has given you leadership responsibility, take the responsibility seriously" Romans 12:6-8. I just love that so much! And therein lies the art. We are to rise up each new day, and dress the part given to us.
Besides, it's nice to look nice. A buttoned up blouse is taken far more seriously than a baggy tee shirt that promotes where you went to college. Save those tired outfit choices for after you rinse off the day, when you can curl up with a really good book and warm cup of tea. Smile thinking about what you set out to do that day and did (or didn't). At least you went all in, looking your best, feeling your best, giving your best.
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#Baggage #travelguide #style
-Alysha M.
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